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My Dad,

I’m ready to really dive deep and keep pushing pro-environmental legislature. Sadly, I need to look at in ways that will make everyone care, whether it means bringing money into things or finding ways to make all parties care about it, the reality is that even though our planet’s health should not be a partisan issue, it is and if there is no way to change that I simply need to adhere to both parties. I believe, with the issue exacerbating at the rate it is, people will care more, there are just many different kinds of people and you need to make sure to please as many as you can (not just what you need, but as many as you can!)

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Gabriel,

A message from co-founder Jill Kubit:
Writing letters to our kids about climate change is hard. It should be.


Dear Tomorrow,

This is just the beginning. It’s the accrual of little seeds of change that will lead to the tree of revolution.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Dear Tomorrow,

It wasn’t about Him, it was about Us. And this isn’t about Me, it’s about You. And it won’t be about You, it will be about Them.


My grandchildren,

I promise to do my very best to educate your parents as best I can.


My dear granddaughter Christy,

My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.


To my Children,

As you look through your window, I hope you will see a bright future. I hope you dream big, and that you have the courage, drive, and fortitude to do everything you can to achieve those dreams.


Dear Tomorrow and Dearest Lex, 

I do believe that the collective power of everyone’s best efforts can curb the worst effects of climate change, and provide you with a more stable and secure future.


Dear Lucy,

The clock ticks, time passes, and the earth and all of its inhabitants move closer to dangerous boundaries we can dimly discern but cannot see clearly.


Future Message to Earth,

Hope there will be no more droughts,
And no more pollution with which we fought,
Regarding every human should be taught,
Ensuring that we uniformly follow these thoughts.


Jeremy M,

My promise is to work to protest carbon emissions.


Dear future me,

My hopes have always been to live in a brighter and better generation, where women are respected around the world, human rights are respected and last but not least where animals and mother nature is cared for by us individuals.

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