Hi David,
Yep it’s that dear tomorrow assignment that I did back in middle school. So i’ll start off by saying that you need to do something about climate change because I know you probably are not paying attention to it, most likely even forgot about it.
So I guess I’ll say what I will do to change, in the future I want to try to have solar panels, to charge my house and car, but if I can’t afford it, then I will buy a nice bike to ride around with. I will also try to get involved in acts in the community to help stop climate change, and maybe even donate money to also help. By the things I plan to do work I will be helping with stopping CO2, because I will be riding a bike and using electric cars. Also by donating I could be helping with a lot more, maybe even something that will stop climate change once and for all. Also this year the weather has been all over the place really warm on some days and then the next week it’s extremely cold, never know what to expect. Also this year the average temperature in St.Louis, was 87 degrees as the high and 21 degrees as the cold, check the temperature right now! And remember the reason that we need to stop climate change is because as the heat increases then the weather has more energy to go insane, like tornados and tsunami.
That is pretty much what I have to say about climate and the causes of global warming and how I plan to help. I hope that this is fixed soon, with better sources of power and easy efficient, healthy travel in the future.
Sincerely, David