Dear Yo,
Espero ayudar al medio ambiente reduciendo el uso de plástico.
Dear Rosie,
But when you are reading this years from now, by the light of a solar powered lamp, know that your dad, mom and millions of others who burned brightly with love for our kids did what we could, when we knew the stakes.
To my Kids,
I wish you all the best and always make sure that you can be proud of yourself and don’t need status-symbols for feeling nice.
Dear Ezmae,
As I write this, I consider giving up as it sometimes seems that all is lost. But then I think of you.
To older Rochelle,
You should’ve reduced your carbon footprint, should be using some source of renewable energy and be a vegetarian by now.
Dearest Finlay,
I hope you are healthy and happy and that you feel supported by the ecosystem around you because we are all deeply truly interconnected. We depend on the earth to take care of us, and nature needs us to take care of her in turn. We all need each other.
Meus filhos,
Devemos conservar nosso planeta. Mas, para se fazer isso, temos que fazer isso juntos. Todos os seres humanos devem estar voltados para cuidar bem do lar em que vivemos e do presente que Deus nos deu para viver: a Terra.
Dear Grandchildren,
I hope we can pass on a better place to live so that my grandchildren and their future children can enjoy the beauty of nature that our wonderful God has given us.
Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030
I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.
Jeremy M,
My promise is to work to protest carbon emissions.
I love you Earth.
Dear Logan,
I am working every second of my life, with every ounce of my being, to ensure that I am leaving you and your brother a planet that is safe and secure.
To my daughter and her children,
As a minister, I have preached that we are here to be of service to others and to be care takers of this wonderful planet that God has given us.