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Dear world,

I hope the cliffs haven’t eroded into the ocean like my heart does when I see you. I hope the ice caps haven’t melted like my body does when you smile. We need this world, and we need to save it, for love can’t last when it’s forgotten.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Finn and Cy,

I think a lot about what you might be like when you grow up and about what kind of world you will live in.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to put in a rain catcher tank.


To My Dear Grandchildren,

Be assured that in the upcoming election, I will cast my vote for your future – for elected officials that recognize climate risks and are willing to promote and vote for legislation that will stop environmental damage and begin to heal our planet.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise when I start my baking franchise, I will reduce pollution made by it as much as physically possible.


Dear Sadie,

You are young and have a rich future ahead of you. I am retired and aiming for a high quality of cultural life and comfort with whatever time remains to me. I do not want to see a world whose elders sacrifice your future for their short-term needs and personal gain. So it’s up to you and me to speak out.


Dear Nova and Remi,

I wish for you both that another kind of life has been discovered, one of peace, moderation and concern for all life.


Dear Corey,

I promise to do all within my power to create a world that’s safe for you and your generation.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to include the trees and animals in all my decisions.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to go to the farmer’s market more


Dear Nolan, Patrick, Cullen and Gabriel,

This Mother’s Day I am again thinking of my grandsons future and what I am doing to change the world if only by a small fraction.


Para minha querida filha, Vitória,

Consegue compreender que estamos aqui de passagem e que temos por obrigação apenas tomar emprestado, evitado excessos e principalmente agradecer.


Dear Gabriel,

One day ten or twenty years from now, when you look back from the future, you will be able to clearly see the entire path.

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