Dear Tomorrow,
I waited to the end of my class to write this letter. I decided to wait because I wanted to learn as much as I could. I wanted to reflect on my journey. As I have learned so much about the care the Earth needs now, I find it ironic… I waited, and that is the deadliest thing we can do with our planet now.
For those of you reading this in the future, I hope you didn’t wait. I hope you didn’t wait to prove the naysayers wrong. I hope you didn’t wait for the planet to “heal itself.” If you did… well I guess it’s too late now.
“I hope but that’s as much as I can do,” I used to say this statement. This statement is a vice on our society. I’ve learned that one person can do so much. So, to you people of the world now, kids, woman, and man. I’m not telling you to stop hoping, I’m telling you to start caring, I’m telling you to do the simple act of healing your home.
The Earth is sick, but she will get better. I only hope we can be here to see it and be the ones who helped heal her. I hope we can say that we fixed our mistakes, I know I did my part and my family will have done theirs, but I won’t stop sharing my voice.
I speak to those who don’t want to change their habits. You sit on your throne of infectivity, littering your mind and your families, spreading your illness to your own land, your own home. Step down from your false throne and bend your knee to Earth, the rightful Queen.
You see her suffering, we all do. We watch, we follow, and we continue to listen to those who tear the trees from the Earth to make those small rectangle pieces of paper. Those pieces of paper that allow us to live comfortably, they give us food and water. We can’t live without them, can we? The simple answer is no. What can we do? We can stop holding our time (money) to a higher and more important position than we do our own environment.
How? It’s simple. Start voting for policy towards a greener environment, use less single use plastics, don’t litter, support systems for sustainability, drive less, and use solar. You’re not alone. If you wish to continue to be a sheep, join our herd, a new family, soon it will be larger than the one you’ve been blindly following. Your new herd, no, your new family, will lead you, open your eyes, and will make you a teacher, a leader to your own families. We will care for you as you care for your home, your Earth.