Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to remain dedicated to changing policy.
Dear Tomorrow,
It wasn’t about Him, it was about Us. And this isn’t about Me, it’s about You. And it won’t be about You, it will be about Them.
Dear me,
Remember how passionate you felt at 20, I hope you keep that passion in you and are still working on climate 30 years from now.
Dear Bella,
I promise that I shall continue to do all that is within my capabilities to leave you a world where there is fairness and justice.
Dear June and Colin,
I’m sad and angry that collectively more has not been done to this date. And that still with such dire warnings, obvious impacts, those in power are acting far too slowly.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will only use renewable energy.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to take my bike everywhere. Taking Golden Gate Transit to SF tonight.
Dear Zhengqing Gao,
Fortunately, you didn’t get injured while the wildfire burned your school.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to purchase carbon offsets when we fly.
Jeremy M,
My promise is to work to protest carbon emissions.
To My Future Child(ren),
The fact that you are reading this means that you would know the answer to a question that has kept me up at night more often than I would like to admit: Did I make you proud?
Dear Sinchi,
The world is changing and it is happening fast.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise when I start my baking franchise, I will reduce pollution made by it as much as physically possible.