I will work for the benefit of all beings with joy, wisdom & strength until all experience freedom & deep satisfaction. -Bodhisattva promise Rachelle Macur

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Rachelle Macur
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Dear Tomorrow,

I will work for the benefit of all beings with joy, wisdom & strength until all experience freedom & deep satisfaction.

-Bodhisattva promise

Rachelle Macur

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dear earth,

I promise those who walked the Earth before me and those who will walk the Earth after me that I will not stand by and let nature slip through my fingers.


To my Dad,

I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.


To my unborn children, hey it’s mummy Cris here!

I am witnessing climate change in a way that I do not like, and I do not know how can I stop it.


Dear children,

Despite all the difficulties, we are from a family whose principles are honesty and love for others, and that’s what I want to share with you.


To my dearest Gabriel,

What gives me hope is what is yet to come, what you will experience in your lifetime.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.


To all the people here on earth,

Who knows what the future would look like? or what will happened in the future? No one knows right? That’s why it it’s scary because we don’t know what lies ahead. We couldn’t stop the future but we can always change it.


Minha pequena Nicole ainda não nos conhecemos, mas já te amo

Deixo para você o meu quintal onde o ar é perfumado pelas flores e árvores, a terra dá frutos e flores além de abrigar muitos bichinhos, a água é utilizada com consciência e o ser humano é respeitado e tratado como alguém que depende da natureza para VIVER.


Dear Tomorrow

I promise to encourage myself and others to recycle more.


Dear Tomorrow,

I am so sorry we didn’t realize this predicament sooner.


Dear Maya,

Maya, my love, I promise to be courageous. I promise that when I face a decision, I will think of how it will impact you and your future. I promise that I’ll also step outside my individual decisions and add my weight to the forces that shift culture and systems.


Dear ACS, LG, CM, MCD, AH, MS, AS, GL, and ERD,

I commit to demanding that politicians that want my vote, my time, my substantial help and expertise are people who seek to address climate change seriously and talk about it boldly.

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