Dear stranger,
This is year 2018. Recently I have come to know about how much of an impact climate change is having on us, so I want to write this letter in hope that your future would not lose much of what we have now. In 2050, it is expected to have temperature anomaly at 1.7 degrees C, which is 0.6 degrees higher than at the moment. By that time, a lot of ice in the arctic would have melted, and we would be able to sail through most of it in the summer. I love polar bears and penguins, but I have to admit that I don’t think a lot of them would survive at that point. I wish that somehow you would be able to rescue them before they all disappear. At your time, the sea level would rise to 2.6 meters, and places such as San Francisco or Florida would be submerged in water. I am terrified to think about the fate of the islands in Indonesia and the like. Could you still see any of them at your time? Even though I have never been to Indonesia, I have watched a lot of documentaries about the country. It always amazed me about how unique their culture is, and how abundant their forest and animal are, which is completely different from the cities where I live. On that topic, I wonder how many species would survive in 2050? Due to a number of changes in weather and climate, I believe a lot of animals would go extinct. At this moment the number of endangered species is 16,306, so I hope it would not reach 50,000 or higher in 30 years. How about human? Are we still doing ok at your time? One of my biggest wish is to know that the US have acknowledged climate change and be well on our way to using green energy at your time. I expect China and some countries in Europe to be fully green at that point. How is India doing? In 2018, a lot of them are still using biogas and other cheap sources of energy, so I am worried that they would be one of the biggest CO2 emitter, similar to China at the moment. Although since India is also in danger of being below the sea level in 2050, I may be more worried about that for them.
That is all I could think of for now. Whatever happens, I still believe in humanity and think that we will ultimately be able to save the Earth. I hope that you guys are trying your best to solve the issues of climate change, and sorry for being a part of the causes for your burden. It would be ideal that by chance, we could be able to meet in the future and talk about this topic.
Best wishes to you,
From somewhere in California, April 16 2018.