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Dear someone in the future,

Nobody knows what the future will hold for us, how much of everything will be left and which role we will play. I hope you did your part and you are proud of it.

Everyone should be aware that we have to change something. The topic of climate change should be addressed much more often in schools and at work, but also privately.

However, the most important thing remains to contribute to it actively. It does not hurt anyone to change their lives a little for the better and to enable future generations to live comfortably on this planet.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear future family and friends,

This is our house.


Dear Beloved Children,

As time progresses, there is hope that value will be placed on all living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals. Life will move at a slower pace, and being on your own time and moving at your individual pace will be the typical way of life. I consider this way of life good living, and I hope that future generations will live on this earth as it was once intended to live in peace and harmony.


Dear Birds,

will continue championing land preservation and the restoration of woodland, prairie and wetland habitats. I will not stop advocating for “bird friendly” legislation to make cities safer for your passage.


Dear Grown up Alton and Dot,

The most important thing in my life is you, which means that as your mom – I am doing my very best to make sure that when you read this letter, Earth is a cleaner and safer place for you and your children.


Dear Tomorrow

I will become the change I wish to see in the world.


Dear Students,

I imagine at this point we have dropped our addiction to coal, gas, and oil and that our environment has made a turn for the better with the solar, wind, and other unimagined (at this point) alternative energy choices are in place.


Dear Ari and Levi,

Luckily, we have figured out ways to build things without making the air dirty, and we are trying very hard to get more people to switch over to this new way as fast as we can.


Dear Tomorrow and Dearest Lex, 

I do believe that the collective power of everyone’s best efforts can curb the worst effects of climate change, and provide you with a more stable and secure future.


Dear People Of The Future,

It’s scary, this is the stuff you see in movies about the end of the world.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will eat vegan, organic, locally grown, and seasonal.


To my dear son Zac,

I promise to raise you as a loving-nature human.


To my Dad,

I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.

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