Dear people of 2050,
I hope that you are all doing very well. I hope that in the future the youth and teens of the world are more involved in creating policies and regulations when it comes to climate warming. I hope that people are also more aware of the effects people have on climate change whether it is good or bad. I also hope that more people take into consideration that their actions have an impact on the climate in the short and long run. One thing that I decided to take on a while back is to buy products from corporations that are greener and who do not mass produce the items and create more pollution. Even if they are more expensive, I know that I am also supporting a good cause. I would also hope that the energy we use comes from renewable sources rather than fossil fuels.
Although now the progress of slowing climate change seems a bit distant, I do hope that in the future it does change. Thank you 😀 – TM