Dear My Future Children,
Hi! Its me, your mom. Or at least I hope I’m a mom. Right now I’m 14 years old. We are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am getting prepared for high school currently. Its a pretty scary thought to think I am about to start my future next fall. I want to do good so badly so I can provide the future you all deserve. I will try my hardest to get our family set up in a way where we don’t have to worry about money, I want to be successful for you.
My hope for the future is that I am a successful nurse or doctor of some kind. I hope by this time that I am a mom, I want lots of kids so hopefully thats the case. I am married hopefully and my children have a relationship with their family and Jesus.
I promise to work my hardest in school and save money and get a job so you all can grow up and have a future. I will do my best to help with climate change and its my responsibility to set up a future for you all. I love you all so much and I am exited to see what my future brings.
Right now climate change is a pretty scary thought. By the year 2050 there is supposed to be a global food shortage, I hope this is not the case. I think its crucial for my generation to do something about climate change before it becomes a real issue.