Dear me in the future,
I will eat locally, also COVID has been horrible, oh by the way remember drip irrigation.
I will eat locally, also COVID has been horrible, oh by the way remember drip irrigation.
To earth & its inhabitants,
Its been heavy on my shoulders since I found out about the state of climate woes as a child.
To you, my dear!
In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.
Salutations to whoever may be reading this,
I promise to do my part. I promise to be the change I want to see in the world, and I hope that you, reader, will do the same.
Dear Emile and Eloise,
The beauty and majesty of the world of your childhood is as remarkable as the beauty and majesty of mine, but the fragility of your childhood world is so much greater.
I pledge to use less plastic!
For my children,
If we haven’t done enough and the world you’re living on is apocalyptic or if you’re living on another planet then I’m deeply sorry and just know that I believe in you and I know that you are both strong and smart enough to handle anything.
Dear Tomorrow,
My climate promise: community awareness of the climate crisis.
Dear Tomorrow,
Less meat, more on my feet!
Dear humankind of today and tomorrow,
I do wish to contribute as much as I can, maybe even start a ripple effect, where other people will start taking action too and inspire other people too.
Dear tomorrow,
Unfortunately, our selfishness and excessive greed have closed our eyes to the well-being of the planet, and it has suffered the consequences.
Dear Thomas,
When you look at me with those big beautiful eyes and that innocent smile, you make me want to fight harder. And I do.
Dear future me,
I am 19 years old, and I am angry.