Dear Loved One,
It breaks my heart seeing how quickly global warming is growing and growing, leaving an enormous effect in our planet. I hope that there is still some of the beautiful world left for you to admire and cherish. I hope that little by little everyone will have made a positive change in the world. Today, I am blessed enough to enjoy all four seasons but will they forever exist? Global warming is only increasing and as a result, we have been experiencing big hurricanes in the East Coast. Thankfully, scientists have been able to detect most hurricanes before they occur in order to evacuate people out of danger. Global climate changes can cause irregular weather patterns that can prevent scientists and researchers from preparing for natural disasters. The greener environment we create, the better the Earth will be. It is up to you to make the world better. You will not change the entire world by yourself but you must take that first step in order for others to follow. Just simply wearing more layers during a cold season will diminish the amount of electricity you use, a step closer into saving this world. I hope you, along with others, are able to leave the planet better than how it was prior and above all, experience a world that God has intended for us to enjoy. This includes a sunny summer and a cold, snowy winter all balanced perfectly and a great amount of land that can be used to plant and enjoy food without fear of health effects such as contamination. Take care of the world, you only get one.