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Matthew Yonemura
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Dear Generations to Follow,

I promise to make conscious decisions toward sustaining the environment from the waste I create to the food that I consume, for thoughtfulness is the first step towards change. Hopefully through the trials and errors of today, you learn from the mistakes that we make now, learn from the lessons we are taught now, and make decisions that then allow for a healthy generation after you.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Children and Grandchildren,

I see a world full of hope fueled by the desire for change.


Dear Kids,

My mistake was thinking I needed to give you more to be a good Mom. Recently your aunt asked me what my favorite toy was growing up. I gulped, I didn’t have one- it was the outdoors, sliding down a ravine of leaves with my Dad, skiing and camping. Today is October 12th, 2021 and I am still going to be giving you a lot, it’s going to look a little different – love, experiences, education and a healthy planet.


Dear Chay and Kate,

Don’t ever let anyone tell you your actions don’t matter. Every single thing you do matters. You matter.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to only use metal straws and reusable cups.


Dear Tomorrow,

This is just the beginning. It’s the accrual of little seeds of change that will lead to the tree of revolution.


Future Message to Earth,

Hope there will be no more droughts,
And no more pollution with which we fought,
Regarding every human should be taught,
Ensuring that we uniformly follow these thoughts.


To my future self,

It is today on March 6th, 2017 that you have made the decision to make a difference in this world.


Dear Son,

I hope with effective action to combat this climate change will we have a better world in the future.


Dear Jamie and Jason,

My inspiration was the two of you. It started with thinking about the world you were inheriting and what your future was going to be like. But then you taught me how important it is to listen to you – to listen to young people.


To my dearest Gabriel,

What gives me hope is what is yet to come, what you will experience in your lifetime.


Dear Ya’Ash,

There are many paths to Truth, but regardless of your faith or ideology, one truth is above all else: Life must continue.


Dear Evan,

We want your future family to enjoy the same beautiful places we enjoyed.

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