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Dear future self, in a different time and space,

I wonder how the world looks today. When you peer outside your window, what is there to greet you? Is it green? Do the birds still sing? And what emotions are evoked when you recollect how things used to be?

Today, I boycott plastic for you. Leave lights and water on only for moments that I need them. Today, I utter subtleties in gatherings with friends. They come in the form of a “you should recycle that instead,” or a “maybe you should buy one that will last longer, one you won’t have to replace so quickly….” Today, I vote for the security and comfort of your future. Tomorrow, I add more small acts of sustainability to my repertoire of ways to conserve and preserve. And the next day, I will continue to do the same.

I hope when you reminisce, you find things are better than they used to be. I hope with my individual and collective effort, you won’t have to hope the same.

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