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Dear Future Self,

It’s hard to imagine you reading this 30 years from now. I guess that means that the human race has not succumb to the 6th great extinction event as a result of climate change, so that’s good news! As I write to you from 2020, things are pretty grim. With numerous natural disasters, melting ice caps, perpetually polluted air and water accompanied by leaders that not only refuse to combat climate change, but deny its existence entirely, we are headed downhill fast. There is not a single doubt in my mind that climate change is real and is an imminent threat. I’m doing what I can to lessen my impact, reducing my own wast and energy usage and figuring out ways to live more sustainably, and I hope others are too, but there is always MORE. I know that if we stop emissions right now, you would likely still be feeling the effects in 2050. But I hope that is the case and emissions do not just continue to stack up and make it hard for you to clearly see those beautiful Rocky Mountains. I hope to ensure you a lifetime of hiking, climbing, and fishing and healthy places to do those in.

So here’s to you, with hope and determination!

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As one push of a button can set a spinner in motion, so too can the actions of one in creating a world that allows you to thrive, to giggle, to love.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will bring permaculture designs to my community.


To my precious children

I want clean air, clean energy and muddy feet for you. I want this for all children.


For those who come after us,

This is for the countless children I already see suffering the impact of climate change around the world, and the generations to follow.


Dear Kaydence,

I will keep trying Kaydence, I promise. And I hope we can look back together in 2050 and smile, knowing that our Earth is healthy once again.


Dear Devon and Chloe

I hope that my work helping to make your schools more sustainable will be something you carry on as you grow older.


My darlings, Juno & Vaeda,

You ask insightful questions, and together we learn about the mysterious world we inhabit.


Al mio piccolo, grandissimo bambino,

Hai compiuto da poco 1 anno e giusto ieri hanno annunciato la scoperta di 7 pianeti che potrebbero racchiudere in essi la possibilità di sviluppare, o aver già sviluppato, vita a livello organico.


Dear Brothers & Sisters All Across Mother Earth,

I promise to wholeheartedly live my life with an awareness of my personal impact on our communities and our planet.


Dear Lila

So today, my strong and spunky girl, I promise you this: I will stay vigilant and flexible. I will spread the word.


Dear Lincoln,

I wanted to let you know that in 2019 that there were real struggles with the health of our planet.


Dear kids of America,

Please eliminate plastic everything

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