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Dear Future Self,

I am working now to ensure you and humanity can live happily in this beautiful world. But this is no easy task. The world’s eyes are opening to the permanent damage man kind has done to this planet and the damage we continue to do. It is VITAL that these unsustainable practices are eradicated and replaced with methods that will lead to longevity. And I know that it is possible with your help and with rallying those around you. I have so much confidence in you and our generation now and years from now to change this world for the better. Continue to march, and practice small acts of sustainability because soon they will go a long way. I hope you are living out my current career dream and turn the medical world into one that is focused on creating their products renewable and facilities green. What happens to this world is in our hands, lets not let it down. 🙂

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More Messages to the Future


To My Future Nephews,

I want you to see those corn fields in the north, the beautiful beaches down in Florida, and the stars in the woods at night.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to stop using electricity too much.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will only use renewable energy.


To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,

I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.


Dear Grandchild,

I now feel less overwhelmed and powerless, and I am determined to fight for our planet and your future.


Dear Emilia and Tommy,

We, in our time, still have the chance to change course. We have the knowledge and emergent means, even the profitable technologies, to do so.


Dear Grown up Alton and Dot,

The most important thing in my life is you, which means that as your mom – I am doing my very best to make sure that when you read this letter, Earth is a cleaner and safer place for you and your children.


Dear child,

The journey of humanity does not take us to Mars like the world now likes to believe. It takes us home to our true self where there is no separate self. Where we are all one. You know all this. Look after yourself my child, look after your brother, your friends, your children, all the animals and the whole planet. Love them like there is no tomorrow.


Dear grandchild,

There is a place on this planet called the Amazon, and I don’t mean the online shopping site (is that still a thing in your time?).


Dear June and Colin,

I’m sad and angry that collectively more has not been done to this date. And that still with such dire warnings, obvious impacts, those in power are acting far too slowly.


Dear future me,

I am 19 years old, and I am angry.


Dear Students,

My act of love will be to use all the power I have, during the rest of my life, to stop climate change.

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