Dear Future Self,
2017, 10 March
Hello dear future self!
First of all I hope you are fine. I also hope that the world is now a better place with more love and kindness. I hope that everybody is able to practice their religion. I hope that all humans get over racism and the idea that some beings are better than others. We all live on this one planet. When you are in the universe, you do not see borders. You just see land and ocean. We are not meant to fight against each other we need to stand together and protect our nature.
When we want to change the world, the only thing we can do is change ourself. Everyday we are born again and everyday we can choose what we do and how we do it. I choose to be mindful. I live mindful. I don’t need many clothes or a new phone every few years. I choose to ride my bike instead of driving the car. I live mainly vegan. But first of all I love myself and the nature I live in. When you love you care and when you care, you help this world. I’m not perfect and I will never be. Just as other humans not perfect and will never be. But you do not need to be a perfect being to change the world. Little things day by day change the world.
I hope that you did not forget this.
Giulia (18 Years old, from Germany)