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Dear Future Self,

I hope you’re still conscious of our changing climate and do what you can to help.

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dear future children,

As I write this, our world is slowly giving way to climate change.


My darling Cassidy,

I know I need to write this to you, and I don’t want to because it makes me so sad. I have been desperately avoiding my feelings about climate change, for many years, but especially and with greater intensity every year since you were born.


Isabelle minha querida neta!

Nossa vida só tem qualidade se tem natureza ao nosso redor.


To the generation after mine,

But when you encounter that resistance–and you will, regularly–know that you must respond just how we have had to these past 50 years. With love, and sternness, and most of all, courage. Because that is what the resistance fears the most. We who came before you promise that we will do the same while we wait for you. Know that you will never be alone.


Dear Sadie,

You are young and have a rich future ahead of you. I am retired and aiming for a high quality of cultural life and comfort with whatever time remains to me. I do not want to see a world whose elders sacrifice your future for their short-term needs and personal gain. So it’s up to you and me to speak out.


To our future generations,

I want you to know that some of us do care and we are working towards a better future for you.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to take my bike everywhere. Taking Golden Gate Transit to SF tonight.


Dear Yasmine,

I tried to teach you of the importance of being satisfied with what you had within your hands.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to change the culture of my school.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to stop eating beef.


Queridas crianças do mundo inteiro,

Pedimos que vocês procurem fazer como nós e continuem essa luta de colaborar com nosso planeta: evitando o consumo exagerado, usando a tecnologia para o bem, plantando árvores, economizando água e poluindo menos.


Dear Tomorrow,

I haven’t met you yet, but I already know you deserve a better tomorrow.

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