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Dear future peoples,

First off, I just want apoligize for the severe damage my society has done to the environment. Although there are many of us who see the truth about the matter, there are too many who still chose to remain ignorant. Those of us who care deeply about the earth and its future are not going to give up. If we manage to mitigate some of the damage done, I hope you guys will step up to the plate and be ready when it’s your turn at bat.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear residents of Bedminster, Bristol UK,

We hope we did enough


To My Fellow Two-Spirits,

Thank you — Thank you — without you, I would not hear butterflies singing, without you, I would not understand black bear humor, or the creativity of jays planning their breakfast, without you, I would not feel flora whispers of long-lived wisdom on the back of my neck while sitting in Padmasana.


Al mio piccolo, grandissimo bambino,

Hai compiuto da poco 1 anno e giusto ieri hanno annunciato la scoperta di 7 pianeti che potrebbero racchiudere in essi la possibilità di sviluppare, o aver già sviluppato, vita a livello organico.


Dear future child whatever your name is,

Climate change right now is really bad, I’m writing this during the COP26 conference in Glasgow (which is an hour away) and I’m listening to politicians talking about promises for the future. “If we fail, future generations will never forgive us.” -Boris Johnson


Tratar de assuntos climáticos com responsabilidade no Brasil

Que se multipliquem estes novos heróis da Terra!


A love letter to my son

I hope this year is a real turning point and by the time you’re a teenager, your life is powered almost entirely by clean energy like solar and wind.


Dear Tanuj,

The time has come to question ourselves as citizens about our own actions and the legacy we are leaving behind.


Dear Malasher and Alex,

My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.


Dear Madeline, Ava, and Harper,

What I wish most for you girls is that the care you have shown each other would extend to the big wide world around you.


To earth & its inhabitants,

Its been heavy on my shoulders since I found out about the state of climate woes as a child.


Oh My Lovely Faizan,

I love you my son. You are waking up now. Hopefully tomorrow, more of us will, too.


Dear Hannah, Harper and future baby of Ryan and Colleen Lane,

I will not stop fighting for a more sustainable future, your future.

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