Dear future me,
If you’re reading this, the year is 2050 and you’re 52 years old. By then, I would hope that the world survived a pandemic, a natural disaster, and reduced burning fossil fuels.
I would expect that many people have died from all the crazy things that are happening in the world right now. I would hope that the economy has recovered from the financial burden that the world is going through with the pandemic. I would hope that there would be a treatment or cure for COVID-19 so we can all go back to doing daily activities. I would also hope that our government has realized how damaging the effects of climate change has on our environment and has taken the steps needed to protect our lives and the wellbeing of our planet. But I would hope that by this stage, the most important part is that I am still alive and healthy while pursuing the things I love to do with the people I love by my side.
All the best,
Past me