Dear future loved ones,
It’s hard for me to imagine what the future looks like. I’m writing to you from January, 2021 and affairs are pretty grim at the moment. There’s a lot of political unrest; it’s weird to be living in a time that I know will later be historic. Everyday I’m reminded how fragile democracy is which has made me realize how fragile everything in this world is: our political and economic structures, social systems, and certainly our planet. To be completely honest, I am afraid for you. I love this earth so very much. Everyday I am grateful for the sun rising above the mountains, the great source that drives all life, for the plants consuming carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, for all of the wild beings and places existing without my knowledge of them and vice versa. I’ve been very lucky to experience many of the beautiful places Earth has to offer. I’ve had the opportunity to walk along Washington beaches and watch the waves crash along the rocky shore, hike in National Parks like Glacier and Banff, ski down freezing slopes covered in feet of snow, and travel to many places including Europe and Peru where I met some of the most amazing people. I’m not trying to rub it in, I just want you to know how deeply grateful I am for the those experiences because I am afraid you may not be afforded those same luxuries and experiences because of the human actions and inactions occurring today.
There is a lot of greed in today’s world. A lot of people, especially those in positions of power, are unable to extend their consideration beyond themselves, or if they are able choose not to. I think if you strip away all of the bullshit, that’s what it comes down to: selfishness and greed. I’m sure you will learn about this, maybe there will be specific villains, but I think we may all go down in history as being a selfish and greedy society. Who knows, maybe not. Maybe we will be the generation to turn things around for you and create a better world for you all. I certainly hope so. But if not, I want you to know there are a lot of good people fighting for you, including myself. We are thinking of you everyday and working our hardest to leave a world that is stable, equitable, and better. I hope we can do it. And if, by the time you are reading this, that fight is still happening, please don’t give up. There are so many good and beautiful things to fight for, even if you may not see them or live to experience them.
I do not know yet who you will be, and we may never meet. I hope we do, but if not I want you to know I love you. Yes, even if we have not met, I love you because you are my main motivation in this fight. I think of you nearly everyday as I fight for you and experience the beauty Earth has to offer because I want those experiences for you desperately. Please remember light always conquers darkness in the end- just look up at the night sky as a reminder ( I hope you can see them, and if not remember they are there. ) And above all else, choose love.
Love, Zoe