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Paul Pearson
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Dear future generations,

I am ashamed we are we should recycling plastic we should not put plastic not on the flour.bags and bottles are on the floor and it kills is causing floods around the world

we need to reuse plastic to have less floods and need to reycicle plastic.wen you reyuse we have less plastic on the flour.less on the floor meens no fish will die.birds are dieing lots offish are dieing.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Oliver,

I am getting your father on board too so that we can double charge this together.


Dear future love,

A culture of consumption is the reason that my world faces such an ecological crisis, it is both necessary and proper to address the fundamental mindsets that have created such a destructive culture.


Dear Tomorrow,

I feel optimistic for you, tomorrow. I can feel a shift happening already.


Dear Madeleine,

First of all I hope we succeeded in our dream that yours is a better world than the world of 2021. Today, the forests are burning, the sea levels are rising and wild weather is everywhere. But we are working hard and I’m confident we will succeed.


Dear Gabriel,

A message from co-founder Jill Kubit:
Writing letters to our kids about climate change is hard. It should be.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ditch all the natural gas and go all electric with my home!


The gift for next generation,

To save the big world, perhaps, we should change the mind from myself to my small family to my community.


Oi Luc,

Estou esperando ansiosa sua chegada pra que a gente possa fazer muitas coisas boas juntos, uma delas, é cuidar bem do nosso planeta.


To Annika, Anders, Stella, Eva, and Mickey,

In writing to you, I realize that I don’t want you to be hard on yourself if you choose to not make this your cause. But it is mine, so I hope that you hold me accountable to some of what I wrote here.


Dear Logan,

I am working every second of my life, with every ounce of my being, to ensure that I am leaving you and your brother a planet that is safe and secure.


Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,

I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.


Dear Grandchild,

I now feel less overwhelmed and powerless, and I am determined to fight for our planet and your future.

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