Dear future generations,
I promise to be more cognizant of how my day to day activities affect the environment and to make changes to reduce my overall impact.
I promise to be more cognizant of how my day to day activities affect the environment and to make changes to reduce my overall impact.
To my brother’s children,
We wondered about how we might be able to eliminate plastics from our day to day routines, and recycled literally everything. We were amazing, you should have seen us. Now and again though, we wondered if these were the right questions.
Dear Lila
So today, my strong and spunky girl, I promise you this: I will stay vigilant and flexible. I will spread the word.
Querida Futuro Yo,
Quiero que puedas decirme que lo hemos logrado, y que el mundo hoy es un poquito mejor porque nosotras pusimos de nuestra parte.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will only use renewable energy.
Dear Nova and Remi,
I wish for you both that another kind of life has been discovered, one of peace, moderation and concern for all life.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to ditch all the natural gas and go all electric with my home!
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to become more educated on the global issues that face populations I can’t see
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will use less fossil fuels.
Dear next generation,
Please don’t wait to see the adverse effects instead adopt that river, stream, lake or ocean to make the world a better place.
Dear Lincoln,
I wanted to let you know that in 2019 that there were real struggles with the health of our planet.
Dear Owen and Vivian,
Here’s the biggest secret: I KNOW it will have. We may not realize how, but we have changed the world.