Dear Future Generations,
Hopefully, by the time you read this, our world is changed for the better. What started as innocent discoveries of coal, electricity, cars, and much more, have turned into a very dark future of pollution. Our world is slowly crying out for help, it is forever changed. Many are staying silent about climate change, but it needs to be stopped. Although damage has already been done, there are possible solutions. Never give up on our planet, we are nothing without it. Be brave, all are depending on people who are willing to act and speak. Never be silenced by higher powers, every single voice counts. Never lose hope, you are the future. A future that can be filled with a positive change, a change that can save us all. Hopefully, the world is encompassed with greener pastures, cleaner air, plenty of food, thousands of types of animals, healthier structures, vast oceans, and most importantly, plenty of humans who are fighting in this war against climate changing and WINNING!