Dear future generation,
I promise to fight for the world and its inhabitants and to protect the animals and environment!
I promise to fight for the world and its inhabitants and to protect the animals and environment!
Dear… Parents,
Let us teach our children to volunteer and donate.
Dear Tomorrow,
My climate promise is to stop using electricity too much.
Dear friends,
Rather than exploit it, destroy it, poison it, why don’t we just enhance the beauty of it, guard it, and love it?
I pledge to use less plastic.
To my future children,
I am doing everything I can because I want the footprint that I leave behind to be my feet in the sand on a beach and not a carbon one.
To my grandchildren’s children,
I became an activist to be part of a force to save the natural world and go 100% clean energy.
To anyone who has heard my music,
I promise to care about the planet.
Hello spawn,
I am small now littles and I may be small forever but in my small ways I will fight for you.
Dear Alyssa,
I pray that more and more fathers will realize that to love their children well, they have to love and respect the ecological systems around them too.
to my dearest children,
Our future is being made now, and I promise to do everything in my power to make yours safe.
Antes de realizar qualquer ação pense no meio ambiente para que suas atitudes sejam pautadas na sustentabilidade. Assim o seu pensar e agir localmente poderão resvalar na escala global.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to go DEEP GREEN