Dear Future Family,
I promise I will not litter, I will recycle and take as much public transport as possible.
I hope that the sea leavles stop rising and the climate stops incressing fast
I promise I will not litter, I will recycle and take as much public transport as possible.
I hope that the sea leavles stop rising and the climate stops incressing fast
Dear Tomorrow,
My climate promise is to stop using electricity too much.
Dear Children and Grandchildren,
I see a world full of hope fueled by the desire for change.
Dear Elliott,
We’re moving into uncertain times, and your dad and I worry. A lot. But you’re keeping us going. You’re pushing us to make better choices and not give up.
Dear Tomorrow,
I will encourage composting at work.
Dear next generation,
Please don’t wait to see the adverse effects instead adopt that river, stream, lake or ocean to make the world a better place.
Hola Cariño,
Life is not easier being a believer but I would not have picked another path. Thanks to my Faith I found my passion to work to stop climate change for your future. Now go play outside and breathe clean air. Dios te bendiga.
Dear Tomorrow,
The transformation of human consciousness
Dear future generations,
Young people are making a lot of noise and politicians are now listening.
To My Future Children,
Most importantly, I hope you live in a world where science is taken seriously and fact is clearly distinguished from fiction.
Dear Madeline, Ava, and Harper,
What I wish most for you girls is that the care you have shown each other would extend to the big wide world around you.
Dear Generations to Be,
If we could all slow down, look around and connect: with each other, the Earth, the sky, the plants and rocks and animals, then maybe we can all remember to treat everyone and everything with respect and live in love.
My Dear Grandchildren,
In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience