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Tom Schönborn
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Dear future,

Today I’m really annoyed that everyone is talking about climate change in Germany and want to change the current way how we deal with climate change. In my opinion, I can say for now that I don’t see any sense in changing the way we deal with climate change in Germany. The renewable energy doesn’t give enough power to supply every German with Power to reload the electric car or keep the house powered. Maybe my later me got a different point of view and that we are in need to change the climate or that someone should start the change. Not even today, the problem is to start a campaign against climate change. Much more, I think the problem is which country starts to solve the problem. In my opinion, Germany isn’t the country that should start with solving the problem. We should begin in countries like China or the USA but not in Germany. Maybe my future me got a different opinion about that topic and maybe will to help to solve the problem.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear love,

The world is facing some serious crises right now as Viral pandemic and war situation between Ukraine and Russia.


Dear Tomorrow,

Love, help and build a future in unison that benefits and protects the whole world.


Dear Owen and Vivian,

Here’s the biggest secret: I KNOW it will have. We may not realize how, but we have changed the world.


Dear future family and friends,

This is our house.


Dear Eleanor,

It seems silly to saddle yourself with guilt for something that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t want to do that. As of today, I don’t really feel guilty. I guess I just want to make sure I keep doing more, so that when you read this, and ask what I’ve done since then, I can still feel good about my efforts.


Hello spawn,

I am small now littles and I may be small forever but in my small ways I will fight for you.


Dear Future Me,

I promise that I will change my behavior to benefit our trees.


To my dearest Gabriel,

What gives me hope is what is yet to come, what you will experience in your lifetime.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will opt up to deep green


To My Dear Grandchildren,

Be assured that in the upcoming election, I will cast my vote for your future – for elected officials that recognize climate risks and are willing to promote and vote for legislation that will stop environmental damage and begin to heal our planet.


To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,

Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII.  I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.


To my daughter,

The climate is quite dynamic these days. Dhaka has dust and warm in this spring.

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