Dear Future,
I do not know a lot, but I do know that the idea of climate change and the consequences it can bring to this planet scares me. It is rather crazy to think that there has not been a time in my life, being 19 now, that climate change was not a topic of debate. The science has been around from before I’ve been alive that shows our planet is facing an issue that has human causes. The fact that several species of animals can lose their homes and go extinct because of the changing climate is scary; however, it is not what scares me the most. It’s that I don’t know if we will ever change. The facts have been around for decades now. The sustainability movement started in the late 60s, which is roughly 50 years ago now. It seems that even though we have so much knowledge already people still try and dispute it and those people are the ones in charge of our regulation. Accepting climate change should not be part of a political debate it should be recognized as an issue from people on all sides.
To be honest the future looks really grim. We have a fairly good understand of the issues that we will come to face if action is not taken. The ball seems like its finally started rolling but it is at such a slow pace I don’t know if we could ever truly become a sustainable planet. I am trying my best to learn how I can incorporate sustainable practices into my daily life for example recycling all I can, not using plastic straws, and not using plastic grocery store bags. I am trying the best I can as an individual but it feels as though I have no power to actually change anything. I do not want to give up though.
I have decided to get a degree in environmental science in the hopes that I can learn as much as possible about the issues facing our future and how we can attempt to minimize them. I believe the best chance we really have to being able to do anything is just sharing knowledge. I promise to learn as much as I can about climate change and share that knowledge with everyone I can. I hope that they in turn will share that knowledge with everyone they know, and hopefully one day we can inform everyone. It is likely an unrealistic goal, and might not get anywhere but I promise to try as hard as I can.