Sent on by
Cole Beliveau
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Dear Cole Beliveau,

I am writing to you, Cole, as an 18 year old version of yourself. It is 2019 and our world is in an overwhelming sense of urgency to save our planet from the climate crisis. My main goal in this message, is to ask you what have you done to help this cause? Decades later when you’re hopefully reading this message you can smile and say I have changed the world, even if it was in a small way. I also hope you can read this with satisfaction that many others have taken initiative to change our world for the better, as it is going to be a team effort nonetheless. I don’t want to pain you with a huge article, so I would like to keep it short and sweet. Currently, I am trying as much as possible to reduce my carbon footprint. Although I will never likely give up meat, I plan to eat and live a healthy lifestyle by eating local, protecting our environment, and simply try to make this world a better place. That is all I will leave you with, and always remember to be the best version of yourself, and help end this crisis.

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