Dear child,
I hope when you read this the world is already on the course of clean energy, living smart and environment impact awareness. I hope by now we have battled through the question of if climate change is happening and it was accepted as something that needs our highest attention and action. I hope and deeply believe in year 2030 and beyond there will be no more forces that deny caring for our earth and our climate.
In year 2015 a very important agreement between all countries was reached. It was Paris agreement where all countries agreed to decrease their carbon and CO2 emissions. However lots of unwanted anti climate things happened in politics the next year: Brexit vote in Britain and Donald Trump elected for the U.S president. Both political forces behind those events are very hostile to protecting the environment and fighting climate change. To the contrary those forces are supporting traditional methods of producing energy and continue to rely on fossil fuels, not caring about 97% scientists consensus that climate change is happening as we speak now and we need to act now before it’s too late. There are also other political events looming in the near future that could worsen the situation if populist politicians in important European countries like Netherland, France and Germany win the election.
Luckily there is a huge international community and climate change ambassadors and real fighters like Leonardo di Caprio that give us hope and don’t stop the fight.
We have more and more natural distasters that are pushing people out of their land, countries and livelihood. This is causing wars to break out between countries sometimes, followed by huge migrations which again cause political tensions in rich countries where people migrate.
The idea is that if each of us on the planet just does little bit to decrease their CO2 emission we will see very bright future and stop the negative climate change.
Your mum and I decided to go vegan. We think this is the best you can do because animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to climate change because of methane gas emission. This gas is way more dangerous and harmful than CO2. Unfortunately not many people are talking about it but we keep spreading the word. Big food business is not allowing this to become wide public knowledge and keeps harming the forests, animals and people.
We also decided to switch to the clean energy provider, a company called Octopus :). They produce their energy purely from sun and wind. Prices are much lower but again UK government is trying to destroy clean energy business through very high taxes. But we don’t give up. We keep lobbying our MPs, signing petitions, spreading the word, convincing our family and friends to change their life style, energy providers and consumption.
The fight is on. I hope when you read it is over and won and you live in clean, smart .