Dear Charlee,
At the time that I’m writing this, you’re only a toddler and the world is racing to beat climate change. At the time that I’m writing this, we’re beginning to see the effects of our CO2 emissions. We’re beginning to see how it impacts us directly. We’re finally trying to take the steps necessary to avoid a climate emergency. We have a long ways to go and only a short time get there. But, we’re trying.
I, personally, am working my way into a path that will allow me to help on a larger scale. I’m working to shift to a sustainable lifestyle. As small as it may seem, every act counts and this is mine. I’m working to learn how our climate works and how we can fix it. My generation is the generation acknowledging climate change. We are the one’s working to undo all the damage that our predecessors have done. And I hope that these efforts are not in vain.
I hope that the resolve of my generation carries on for generations to come. I hope that you continue to see your generation making these same efforts. I hope your generation is the generation of sustainable living.
I promise you that right now we are trying to get the world to listen to what nature is so desperately trying to tell us. We are trying to heed her call. And we are trying to answer that call. I hope that it is enough to ensure that you have a comfortable world to grow up and live in.