Dear Cedar and Wyatt,
I’m writing to you in 2018, during a time of great change. You are learning about many of the challenges that we as people face, yet it’s still shrouded in the innocence of childhood.
I, in the later part of my life, and you both in your prime. I can imagine you’ve seen much happiness and sorrow, and everything imaginable in between. You likely think about many of the same things I thought about at your age; am I a good parent? Are my kids growing up to be the best they can be – loving, inclusive, fair, strong, courageous? Will this world be able to support them in the same ways it did for me growing up?
I am sure you know how our world has changed first-hand. I think about what that world will look like for you. Are you able to watch spring unfold after a long, cold winter. Will you be able to walk with your children during a summer rain, jumping in puddles, and smelling the fragrance in the air. Can you explore lush, green woods; finding salamanders and picking up frogs.
You see those things shaped by my childhood so much. They provided me with the comfort and security, and a connection to nature that I carry with me as an adult. But I too have seen change since those early days. Which is why I took the path I did in my life and work. I found passion in what I did; helping others to see the beauty and connection to their natural surroundings. I spent many years stewarding, protecting, preserving, advocating and educating, because I knew it was the right thing to do. I did not want to see it disappear, and more importantly I wanted you to experience it for yourself.
I care deeply for our earth and all the many gifts it provides. And I will continue to work hard to ensure the choices made today will not impact you negatively tomorrow. I have immense hope for you, your family, generation, community and world. I believe through collaboration, cooperation, and trust we will continue to address many of the environmental challenges faced today.
With all my love,