Dear Campers,
It’s been years since I worked at camp but my memories there are still so clear. I recently saw that camp has announced this summer as their last due to the unlivable conditions they face. I felt so heartbroken because this is what my generation and my parents generation have left you with. I once was a lifeguard at swim dock. That’s right, you could actually swim in the lake. I remember how cold the water was, when it splashed up against the dock, when the waves came over my kayak. Now the lake has been contaminated by years of run off from huge companies and contains so much trash that all plant and animal species have died. The docks have been boarded off, leaving you to imagine what it used to be like. Along with the lake, we also spent time at the outdoor pool, but as you know, it’s become so hot outside that the water reaches an almost boiling temperature in just a few hours. And the sports fields! The green, lush so well kept sports fields where we would sleep during overnights and play game after game of capture the flag. Well, that land was used to build an indoor center due to the intolerable heat. It might be hard for you to imagine a camping experience that was almost entirely in the outdoors, but this was the camp that I grew up with. I hope that in the future, your generation works harder and more efficiently than mine did to improve the world for future campers.
Good luck,