Dear Brianna,
I hope in the future I start taking more responsibility for my actions. I will pick up after myself and care more about the environment. I want to help the planet, not destroy it.
I hope in the future I start taking more responsibility for my actions. I will pick up after myself and care more about the environment. I want to help the planet, not destroy it.
To the generation after mine,
But when you encounter that resistance–and you will, regularly–know that you must respond just how we have had to these past 50 years. With love, and sternness, and most of all, courage. Because that is what the resistance fears the most. We who came before you promise that we will do the same while we wait for you. Know that you will never be alone.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to use a reusable water bottle.
Dear love,
The world is facing some serious crises right now as Viral pandemic and war situation between Ukraine and Russia.
Dear Malasher and Alex,
My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.
For those who come after us,
This is for the countless children I already see suffering the impact of climate change around the world, and the generations to follow.
Dear Eleanor,
Send new updated messages to your loved ones at DearTomorrow
Dear future me,
I am 19 years old, and I am angry.
Dear Future,
We need to work to save our beautiful home.
Querido amanhã,
Eu quero esse mundo melhor para você, onde o povo tem voz, seja lá quem você seja, eu vou fazer se tudo para proporcionar um mundo melhor para você.
Querida Emanoely,
Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.
Dear Tomorrow
I will become the change I wish to see in the world.
Antes de realizar qualquer ação pense no meio ambiente para que suas atitudes sejam pautadas na sustentabilidade. Assim o seu pensar e agir localmente poderão resvalar na escala global.