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Kevin Yee
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Dear All Future Generations,

I pray that all the messages below and ones that will appear on top eventually do not make sense and eventually become irrelevant because our future would have changed by now. We will no longer have these environmental impacts as we do now and EVERYONE will be using sustainable energy sources.

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More Messages to the Future


To my daughter,

The climate is quite dynamic these days. Dhaka has dust and warm in this spring.


Dear Ari and Levi,

Luckily, we have figured out ways to build things without making the air dirty, and we are trying very hard to get more people to switch over to this new way as fast as we can.


I pledge to take the bus.


To My Children,

Is the world really polluted?


Dear Ellie,

My heart is an ocean of love for all the children facing a life of climate catastrophe.


Dear Sander,

I pray that you are having a happy life and that you have contributed each year of your life into helping to make our planet healthy, cleaner, thriving and greener- a better place for all people and animals to live.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to reach out to more people to ditch driving and consider using public transportation. I promise to convince Marin markets that sensible policies in density and mixed use planning will further enhance everyone’s quality of life.


Dear Nephew,

I believe i have truly played my part in raising awareness and practical solutions to climate change.


Dear Corey,

I promise to do all within my power to create a world that’s safe for you and your generation.


To my dear children in the year 2050,

I don’t wish to go backwards, but I do wish we would slow down and design our brave new world with more care.


Dear Annalyse and Greyson,

See people can say they care about climate change, but caring is not action.


Dear Nolan, Patrick, Cullen and Gabriel,

This Mother’s Day I am again thinking of my grandsons future and what I am doing to change the world if only by a small fraction.

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