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Yogi Rosario
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Dear 2morrow

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Queridos nietas/nietos,

Creo que debo hacer más. Por ello, he decidido escribir esta breve carta para empezar un proceso en el que vaya escribiendo más cartas, conforme vaya teniendo más claridad de mis posibles contribuciones.


For a child I am yet to know,

We are fighting for a shared cause, inspired by our strong and unwavering dedication to preserve the beauty and wonder of our natural world for our children, our grandchildren and their children, and for countless generations to come.


Dear Future Explorers,

I am often faced with the question: why do I care so much about this pale blue dot that we inhabit?


To My Fellow Two-Spirits,

Thank you — Thank you — without you, I would not hear butterflies singing, without you, I would not understand black bear humor, or the creativity of jays planning their breakfast, without you, I would not feel flora whispers of long-lived wisdom on the back of my neck while sitting in Padmasana.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to become more educated on the global issues that face populations I can’t see


Dear Tomorrow

Stay Cool and Save the Whales


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to sign up for 100% renewable energy.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Maddie,

Please know that I have tried very hard to be one of those people, to even make the smallest of changes in order to improve the world for you and your future.


Loved One,

That we all have a role to play no matter how small, we all can make a difference.


To my brother’s children,

We wondered about how we might be able to eliminate plastics from our day to day routines, and recycled literally everything. We were amazing, you should have seen us. Now and again though, we wondered if these were the right questions.


To my sons,

I’m voting with climate change as a top priority. I’ve tried to teach you boys that we need to clean up after ourselves and take care of the earth. I promise to continue doing these actions and more, for your sake.

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