In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.

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Enela Thano
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To you, my dear!

You want to know how I became an environmentalist? Well I’m still not, but I hope that one day when I finish my degree in Geosciences, I will have the great honor to be called one.

I forever dedicate my green-awareness to the great Clair Patterson.What he did for the humanity was simply heroic. That is how I decided to study geosciences, dreaming that one day I could find a way to make Earth a better place for you to live in. I hope that now that you are reading my letter, all my dreams have become reality. I don’t want to think about it in any other way.

Now, my dear, I’m just going to give one last piece of advice: Dream big. I’m at the crossroad in my life now that I’m writing this letter. I don’t know where the path I’ve chosen will lead me, but one thing is for sure: In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.

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More Messages to the Future


To my Dad,

I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.


Dear Maddie,

Please know that I have tried very hard to be one of those people, to even make the smallest of changes in order to improve the world for you and your future.


Dear Lucie,

Lucie, I love you more than you could ever know and I hope that my promises help contribute to a better world for you and inspire you to take action as well as you grow into the amazing adult I know you will be.


Dear Future Sami Lee,

Everyone currently in life laughs and yells save the bees. We were a bee this year for Halloween and Lucy even came up with a great slogan “get with it honey”.


To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,

I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.


Dear Eleanor,

Send new updated messages to your loved ones at DearTomorrow


I promise to help people! Become more aware!


Queridas filhas Ana Luísa e Ana Carla,

Que vocês possam contar para seus filhos e netos que minha geração tomou consciência de sua responsabilidade e assumiu sua condição de natureza e a ela se reintegrou, com inteligência, interação respeitosa e solidariedade.


Dear Future Ryan,

I promise to be a knight in the campaign of truth seeking.


To my future self,

It is today on March 6th, 2017 that you have made the decision to make a difference in this world.


To my precious children,

As you’ve grown older, I’ve become increasingly aware that protecting you means more than ensuring your short-term safety. It also means ensuring that you’ll have a safe planet to live on.


Dear Daughter,

Tonight at bedtime, you asked, seemingly out of nowhere, “why are the glaciers disappearing?”

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