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Tiffany Simmons
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Dear Lily Hennkens,

I love you so much. I want you to experience all the beauty and wonder life has to offer without worrying about whether you will be able to eat or breathe. There has never been a question in my mind, based on science, that humans are effecting climate change. I am contacting my reps constantly to let them know we care about the future and how important it is to be good caretakers of our planet. I hope you will continue the fight against people who care more about their short-term profits than doing the right thing for humanity.

Love, Auntie

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More Messages to the Future


Hola Cariño,

Life is not easier being a believer but I would not have picked another path. Thanks to my Faith I found my passion to work to stop climate change for your future. Now go play outside and breathe clean air. Dios te bendiga.


Dear ACS, LG, CM, MCD, AH, MS, AS, GL, and ERD,

I commit to demanding that politicians that want my vote, my time, my substantial help and expertise are people who seek to address climate change seriously and talk about it boldly.


Dear next generation,

Please don’t wait to see the adverse effects instead adopt that river, stream, lake or ocean to make the world a better place.


Dear Daughter,

Tonight at bedtime, you asked, seemingly out of nowhere, “why are the glaciers disappearing?”


Dear Bella,

I promise that I shall continue to do all that is within my capabilities to leave you a world where there is fairness and justice.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise when I start my baking franchise, I will reduce pollution made by it as much as physically possible.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to stop using electricity too much.


I pledge to stop using plastic bags.


I promise to plant more flowers.


Dear Nolan, Patrick, Cullen and Gabriel,

This Mother’s Day I am again thinking of my grandsons future and what I am doing to change the world if only by a small fraction.


Isabelle minha querida neta!

Nossa vida só tem qualidade se tem natureza ao nosso redor.


Querida Alê,

Por você idealizei um mundo melhor e lutei incessantemente por ele.

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